
One of the most awesome gifts God gives, is His friendship, intimacy, and love. And like any other friendship and love we experience, it requires spending time together being real and honest. Talking, pondering, and exploring. It is beautiful. Being in His presence and learning of Him is beyond compare to any other. It is love in the highest and purest aspect.

My heart's passion is to share and give what He speaks. This blog is to share those deep thoughts and revelations. Also, to share my own feelings and insights. I'm not a preacher or clergyman...just one with a love of God and His Word, filled with His Spirit.

As His Spirit blows like the wind, I stop, listen, and feel the warm breeze of His Spirit. And it is altogether amazing!

I invite you to join me....
A place to "mull and ponder". An open thought process, ...part of the journey to His truth.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Paul, Silas, and the Midnight Hour

Sitting here at one in the morning, unable to sleep, thinking about life in general.  Pondering on what's in my heart...writing, passions, and such.  I wonder just what God has planned.  Life, in general, work, family, errands, and such all make up a day.  Yet, these are what we do....the things of life attended to and taken care of.  Deep down inside there's a wanting more....a longing.  And I know exactly what it is....God's presence.

I begin to think of Paul and Silas in the prison cell....beaten, bleak, and jailed for their belief.  Prisoners!  Captured and detained against their own will.  Yet, they endure.  They do not give up hope and cry in self-pity.  They have within them the fortitude that God gives them, to look beyond curent circumstances.  And I love what they do...they breakout in praise to God.  Yes, they had every reason to sing the blues, cuss, or carry on about the mistreatment they were receiving as most of us would do and actually do.  Not them, they sing to God.  They perceived and trusted in God despite everything.

During different times of my life, where I've experienced the deep presence of God.  Mostly, while driving alone.  Years ago, every week, I would drive two hours one way to Cincinnati.  I didn't take the interstates or major roads.  No, I chose to take the smaller roads that lead to the city.  The way in the country with the open fields  leading through the hills.  Driving through the curves and bends lined with woods.  It was a beautiful drive.  During these drives, I would turn on worship music and just sing.  Not just singing a song, but from my heart singing and feeling love for our Lord.  Something amazing would happen during these times.  I could feel His presence.  It's not something that's easily explained.  But when it happens, you know it!  Being in His Spirit...being completely in tune with Him.  The incredible love and insight during these times is far beyond comprehension.  I often wonder if this is what Paul and Silas experienced during their time in the prison.

This is what I'm missing...that deep intimate time with Him.  I believe this is what Paul and Silas had.  A deep initmate relationship with the Lord.  As they sang and worshipped God, for who He is, despite their own bad circumstances, and loved on God through it all, something amazing happened....they were freed!  God opened those prison doors, and set them free from the prison cell they were in.  Were they praying to be released?  I don't believe so...I truly believe they were just loving God and being initmate with Him.  God honored their love for Him, by setting them free.  The freedom they were granted was a by product, an outflow of God's love, God's presence.

This is what it means to give thanks in ALL things.  It's through, and in, and regardless of what may be happening in life, it's just worshipping and loving Him just because He is who He is!  That's true freedom!

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