
One of the most awesome gifts God gives, is His friendship, intimacy, and love. And like any other friendship and love we experience, it requires spending time together being real and honest. Talking, pondering, and exploring. It is beautiful. Being in His presence and learning of Him is beyond compare to any other. It is love in the highest and purest aspect.

My heart's passion is to share and give what He speaks. This blog is to share those deep thoughts and revelations. Also, to share my own feelings and insights. I'm not a preacher or clergyman...just one with a love of God and His Word, filled with His Spirit.

As His Spirit blows like the wind, I stop, listen, and feel the warm breeze of His Spirit. And it is altogether amazing!

I invite you to join me....
A place to "mull and ponder". An open thought process, ...part of the journey to His truth.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Evil for Evil

Tonight I'm curling up with the book "The Kingdom of God is Within" by Leo Tolstoy.  The main premise of the book is based on Tolstoy's understanding of Jesus' Sermon on the Mount.

Basically, not to repay evil for evil.  This theme, I have visited myself in the past.  Knowing that you can not fight Satan with his weapons, but only with God's weapons, which are many, but include love, patience, and forgiveness.  Many times, I've been in situations where it would have been all so easy to strike back, get revenge, etc.  Yet, it's not the way.  These do not solve anything.  Matter of fact, such tactics and actions only create deeper hurts and wounds.  Revenge is never the answer.  It is an evil.  It is best to leave revenge to the Lord, as He has said for us to do.

What is revenge?  According to http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/revenge it means:

1: to avenge (as oneself) usually by retaliating in kind or degree
2: to inflict injury in return for <revenge an insult>
Revenge is self seeking justication for a wrong or perceived wrong done. 
Notice the words "self" seeking justication....self justication.  It is about our evil/sinful "self" within looking to protect "self" from hurts, wounds, injury, and wrongs.  It's a self defense mechanism.  It is "self" looking for it's own justice.
Revenge takes many forms.  It can be shown by physical harm or confrontation or it can be a passive revenge such as a cold shoulder.  Either way, it is an attempt to hurt or injure another as a form of payment (punishment) for a wrong. 
We are by nature sinful creatures.  Due to the fact of the fall of Adam in the garden.  The fall, in a nutshell, created "self" as god.  Self-rule, instead of God-rule.  It is this self/sin nature that seeks revenge.  However, once we are in Christ Jesus, His nature replaces this old sinful nature within us to the point which we allow Him to do so.  (Yes, dear sweet ones, we have a part and choice in this.)  Making the choice to either go with the old self nature and be revengeful or allow the new nature of Christ to replace that old nature, and release His nature through us, which is love.  It is a choice we make, and He then empowers us to walk within the choice to love.  Yes, love is a choice!
Jesus showed us the way of the Father...to hate evil and do good.  He instructed us to leave revenge in the hands of God...who is perfect and is able to give the correct punishment of wrongs encountered.  Not to repay evil for evil.  It is allowing God to take care of us through all the pains, hurts, wounds, injuries, and wrongs experienced.  It is putting trust in Him and in Him alone....faith!
So here is the final choice...to allow revenge (which is the counterpart of hate) to rule, or to let love rule.

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