
One of the most awesome gifts God gives, is His friendship, intimacy, and love. And like any other friendship and love we experience, it requires spending time together being real and honest. Talking, pondering, and exploring. It is beautiful. Being in His presence and learning of Him is beyond compare to any other. It is love in the highest and purest aspect.

My heart's passion is to share and give what He speaks. This blog is to share those deep thoughts and revelations. Also, to share my own feelings and insights. I'm not a preacher or clergyman...just one with a love of God and His Word, filled with His Spirit.

As His Spirit blows like the wind, I stop, listen, and feel the warm breeze of His Spirit. And it is altogether amazing!

I invite you to join me....
A place to "mull and ponder". An open thought process, ...part of the journey to His truth.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

There's a scripture that says....

But godliness with contentment is great gain.
I Timothy 6:6 KJV

Contentment is an inner satisification and inner peace. Sometimes, we vision or picture a grand illusion of how things "should be". And when this illusion doesn't materialize, we become disappointed in what we actually have. And that's the whole ploy of discontentment. When we make a choice, it's possible to think...oh, just a little while and everything will be great, or thinking that it'll be no big deal. Or we believe the choice we make will solve our problems, or we make a choice with some other grand illusion in place.

And then, various circumstances arise, and the choice made isn't quite measuring up to what was pictured it would be like. And then discontent sets in and one begins to wonder if it's worth it...and all the lame rationalizations begin to come to mind.

Well, life happens and the choice made is just a part of life. I've noticed and realized for myself that the one key, after choice, is the contentment with the choice. With the inner satifisication, the settledness of the choice, the choice stands no matter what! In other words, we have to be content with the choice we've made.  If we have unreal expectations and such, and aren't happy with it, then the door is wide open for stepping back to occur....because the discontentment will always look for greener pastures in it's search for inner peace.

So, basically, don't let discontentment with life or some grand illusion of "how it should be" distort the outlook of the real reality. Be content within with the choice made and the choice will be solid and firmly established in the heart...and that is where the choices we make draw their strength and manifest.

Be content with the choice, despite anything and everything...that's one of the keys to the successful path of the choice.

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