Life at lighting speed. That's me. Even as I sit here to write, a thousand thoughts are bombarding me, shouting for attention. Everything from the dishes, housework undone, time with family, work's to-do list and concerns, and so much more. Too much to list. Yet, I stop at this point, and attempt to put aside all those other items. Pretty much like sweeping a table clean in one swipe with your arm knocking everything to the floor. That's how it feels.
Today was a prime example of what happens when life is moving too fast. I'm one of those people who will go until the body total shuts down. This is what occurred today. Woke up this morning, did some reading and journal writing, took a shower, and headed to church. After church, did some grocery shopping, picked up daughter from work, came home, started some laundry, and ate a bite of lunch with Hubby. After lunch, I felt tired, and decided to rest just a little bit...a small nap to recharge. Well, that nap turned into serious sleep. Hubby finally came in at 8 pm tonight and woke me up. Talk about disappointed. I had literally slept the day away! There was so much to do on my list today. Ended up ordering pizza for supper. So much for the Sunday dinner I had planned to fix. Not to mention the housework, the laundry, the week's planning, preparing for work, and spending time with the family. Ugh! In my mind, it was a wasted day. Nothing accomplished on the to-do list. Yet, at the same time, today has been a day of reflection. Beginning this morning, continuing through church, and this evening...the theme shouts loudly. It's time to re-prioritize! Time to slow down and really consider what is important. It's time to answer His call...draw near to me. Come away and be with Me. The long sleep was a serious indication that my body was reached it's limit. Which I already knew, but kept ignoring, just pushing harder.
Life can take over and spin out of control. Everything becomes a blur, with no time to even stop and reassess. It becomes just a marathon of reacting to circumstances and situations. Reacting is nothing short of just living on the defensive playing field. Defending against all that life throws at me. Me, I want to be on the offensive side of the playing field. That's where the control is. Offensive side...the side of calling the plays and moves. Not just reacting. The question is...just how to get off the merry-go-round of life. Stopping the round and round we go.
It would be easy to say the cliche...just stop doing so much. Well, that is a nice thought, but in reality, life happens. Things must be attended to, laundry has to be done, dishes washed, job performed, and relationships cared for. Not to mention, personal care of oneself. So, the thought of stopping can be done. Yes, I could stop. But the problem arises...all this "stuff" continues on. The "stuff" doesn't stop. And that's the whole catch 22. Life does not stop, it doesn't wait on anyone, it keeps on going. And it travels at this lighting speed. So one day, like today, of stopping, will only result in falling behind, and having to play catch-up with an already overloaded schedule and to-do list.
So, is it truly, reasonably possible to stop and clear the table so to speak?
Last night was a good start. Going to the beach late at night, and just sitting, getting away from the clutter, clamor, the shouting and becking calls of everything in life, and just being! Again, a form of stopping. Taking the time to jump off that merry-go-round. Time! Time for the soul to take a breath from the break neck speed of life. Time to breathe! I see a pattern...time! It all has to do with time.
Life is basically stealing away our precious time with all it's demands. I say, life. Life is two-sided. It is filled with the have to's, the demands of bills, work, responsibilities, etc. And it is has it's other side of real living. The side of amazement, awe and wonder of creation, and Our Creator. Being with ones we love, and enjoying life. So, life, as I speak has a dual personality. It's the side of life of true living that I am craving. Not the life that's a task master, demanding and shouting.
So, here it side of demands, the other of freedom to live. Is it really a matter of a clean sweep? Or is more a question of meshing together the two parts of life? It's the latter, which requires one important aspect....balance. It is more a question of balance in my life.
My life has been out of balance. Tilting seriously to the side of demands and responsibilities, with the important aspects of soul refreshing being pushed aside. Thus creating a huge pressure cooker from the stresses of life without the relief valve to ease the building pressure. Not good.
Life at lighting it possible to slow it down? Maybe not, but that doesn't mean this fast streaking blur of life has to be in control.
Jesus faced these types of pressures. People everywhere demanding his attention and surrounding him constantly. Even his disciples. Jesus took time to depart to a secret place. A place just for Him alone. One where He could be alone with His Father and spend time with Him. This is exactly what I must do also. A secret place, a hiding place. A place of solitude, a place to meet Him only and listen to Him.
And this time of refreshing will not happen by chance, but requires that it be set as a priority. A time planned and guarded as it should be. Time set apart just for Him and me. My special quiet time to refresh by being in His presence. Thanks Lord!
That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. Do not be amazed that I said to you, ‘You must be born again.’ The wind blows where it wishes and you hear the sound of it, but do not know where it comes from and where it is going; so is everyone who is born of the Spirit.” ~John 3:6-8
My heart's passion is to share and give what He speaks. This blog is to share those deep thoughts and revelations. Also, to share my own feelings and insights. I'm not a preacher or clergyman...just one with a love of God and His Word, filled with His Spirit.
As His Spirit blows like the wind, I stop, listen, and feel the warm breeze of His Spirit. And it is altogether amazing!
I invite you to join me....
A place to "mull and ponder". An open thought process, ...part of the journey to His truth.
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Thanks Ash!!! Very honored!!